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Steps towards mental fitness

Family Dysfunctions

Marriage & Family Therapy

Improve Communication
& Listening Skills

Child Behavior Disorders

Helping Children and Families
Thrive Through Understanding

Individual Psycho Therapy

Empowering Individuals to
Overcome Obstacles


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A Step Closer towards mental fitness

A Message To The Family

   Many families in diverse communities suffer greatly. We are exposed to many negative external stimuli leaving our youngsters to identify with a host of negative models. Not only should those external influences be of concern to the family, but those from within likewise. A disorganized family places undue stress upon each family member, in some cases forcing an individual to seek extra-familial attention or stimulation.

   Once out of the protective environment of the family, this member is now prey to those models in our society which may influence him/her in a negative way. The marriage of the parents is the nucleus of the family giving nurturance and direction to the other members. If we are to elevate our social condition, we must start at the nucleus. If you are experiencing problems with your marriage, your child’s behavior, or your child’s academic achievements, the PARENT-CHILD BEHAVIOR CLINIC can support you.

“Train up a child in the way he should go and when he Is old he will not depart from It”.

Proverbs 22:6

Steps towards mental fitness

Building a Clean Path to Optimize
Mental Health

Child Behavior Disorders
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), also known as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects individuals of all ages. People with ADD may have difficulty paying attention, staying organized, and completing tasks. They may also exhibit hyperactive or impulsive behavior. The exact causes of ADD are not yet fully understood, but it … Continue reading Attention Deficit Disorder
Child Behavior Disorders
Delinquency prevention is a crucial aspect of promoting positive youth development and reducing the likelihood of future criminal behavior. Delinquency prevention programs are designed to provide young people with the skills, support, and resources they need to make positive choices and avoid engaging in risky or criminal behaviors. Effective delinquency prevention programs can take many … Continue reading Delinquency Prevention
Child Behavior Disorders
Short attention span and hyperactivity are two common symptoms that are often associated with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Individuals with ADHD may have difficulty focusing on tasks for extended periods of time and may exhibit impulsive behavior or hyperactivity. While short attention span and hyperactivity can be challenging, there are several strategies that can … Continue reading Short Attention Span and Hyperactivity

Steps towards mental fitness

Recent case Studies!

Steps towards mental fitness

An impact of a mental fitness Awareness community

Overall, a mental fitness awareness community can have a significant impact on individuals and society as a whole by promoting understanding, reducing stigma, providing support, improving outcomes, and preventing mental health challenges.

Support and connection: Mental health challenges can be isolating, but a community focused on mental fitness can provide a space for individuals to connect with others who may be experiencing similar challenges. This can help reduce feelings of isolation and provide a support system.

  • Educate yourself about mental illness.
  • Screening for mental health websites
  • Psychiatric Evaluations & Treatment
  • Don’t hesitate to tell people about it